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Granite State Market Match

The Granite State Market Match program allows SNAP recipients to double the value of their benefits when shopping at participating farmers markets, CSAs, and farm stands in NH. For example, spend $10 in SNAP benefits at a farmers market and receive an additional $10 to spend of fresh, locally-grown vegetables and fruit!

Not only does Granite State Market Match provide access to affordable, local food for SNAP participants, it also provides economic benefits to the participating vendors, farmers and host communities. Market Match benefits farmers by expanding their client base and benefits community members by making healthy food more affordable.


The Cheshire County Conservation District is the regional lead for offering Granite State Market Match in Cheshire County, NH. If you have a farm stand, farmers market, or CSA and would like to begin accepting SNAP benefits and offering Granite State Market Match, please contact us:, 603-756-2988 ext.4



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Participating CSA Farm in Cheshire County:

Weekly CSA vegetable shares are 50% off when you purchase with your SNAP/EBT
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Hillside Springs Farm CSA is located in Westmoreland, NH. If you are interested in purchasing a CSA share from Hillside Springs Farm at 50% off with your EBT card please contact the farm directly! Click the link for more information on CSA pricing and additional information about this CSA farm.

Participating Farmers' Markets in Cheshire County:

$1-for$1 match! Every SNAP dollar spent at these markets receives an extra dollar for fruits & vegetables!

The Farmers' Market of Keene is located on Gilbo Ave in Keene, NH (across from Lindy's Diner). Saturdays 9am-1pm.

The TEAM Jaffrey Farmers' Market is located on the Town Common on Main St. in Jaffrey, NH. Open Fridays 4-6pm.

The Winchester Farmers' Market is located on Main St. in Winchester, NH. Open Saturdays from 9am-1pm.

Participating Farm Stores/Stands in Cheshire County:

All fruits & vegetables are automatically 50% when you buy with your SNAP/EBT!

Pete's Stand is located on Rte. 12 in Walpole, NH. They are open daily from 9am-6pm. Click the link to visit their Facebook page for more information. Open for the 2023 season.

Green Wagon Farm Stand is location next to 7-11 on Court Street in Keene. They are open Tuesday-Friday 9am-6pm, Saturdays 9am-5pm, and Sundays 10am-2pm. Click the link to visit their Facebook page for more information.

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Picadilly Farm is located in Winchester, NH. They will be offering occasional pop-up markets where SNAP recipients can earn 50% off fruits and vegetables! Click the link for more information on the farm and pop-ups for 2023!

Thank you to our Partners!

This program is made possible through support from The Center for Population Health at Cheshire Medical Center to increase community member's access to healthy foods and advance the priority areas of the Healthy Monadnock Alliance.


Expansion of the Granite State Market Match program within Cheshire County is a partnership between the Cheshire County Conservation District and the NH Food Bank, Wholesome Wave, and the Healthy Monadnock Alliance.

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