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Surface Water Improvement Projects

CCCD partners with local farms and conservation partners to improve surgace water through mitigation projects. Read more about these projects below!

Image by Karim Sakhibgareev
Milk House Waste & Barnyard Runoff Project

The CCCD partnered with Boggy Meadow Farm, a dairy farm adjacent to the Connecticut River in Walpole, NH to install a milk house waste and barnyard runoff solids separation system large enough to accommodate their needs while preventing milk house waste from entering the Connecticut River.

The goal of this project is to protect water quality and demonstrate best management practices for agriculture. This project is funded by the NH State Conservation Committee.

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Manure & Waste Water Handling Improvement Project

The Windyhurst Farm infrastructure project has improved water quality in the Connecticut River Watershed by retrofitting an existing dairy barn to effectively and efficiently move manure and milk house waste from the dairy cattle barn and milking center to the watertight manure tank.


Windyhurst Farm partnered with the USDA NRCS on this project. Additional funds secured by the Conservation District from the NH State Conservation Committee and Connecticut River Watershed Council will be used to tie the milk house wash water and parlour waste water to the new system.

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